Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fat Flakes Run

Just returned from my regular run - except today it wasn't "regular".  When I started it was cold and looked like it could rain or snow or something in-between.  Well, it started to rain, then it turned into snow, and by the second mile the sky was full of big, fat, fluffy flakes.  I held my mouth skyward trying to catch as many as I could.  I felt like I was a kid again  and I started to pick up the pace.  The snow started to stick to the ground a bit, and the trees had pearls of water dripping from the branches.  A beautiful, magical look.  By the start of the fourth and final mile I felt like running it in faster, but my running partner was starting to lag.  I decided to do some fartleks  to burn some of my extra energy.  They seemed to do the trick.  My breathing became harder and I felt like I was really running.  I'll have to do more fartleks in the future when I feel the pace is starting to drag.  What a gorgeous run!

1 comment:

Backofpack said...

Look at you - two posts on your first day! I hope it gives me fat flakes tomorrow morning when I go out. The weather was really wild this afternoon!