Monday, April 14, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

Interesting, this blogging stuff.  Can't decide whether it's for me or not - but it seems to keep pulling me back somehow.  I certainly enjoy reading other people's writing - their thoughts, their dreams, their reactions to the same races I've run, or would like to run.  I find myself being inspired (you know who you are) and informed.  But, most of all, I feel somehow connected.  I just returned from yet another trip and the first thing I did was look at the running forum to see what was new.  I wrote an email to a running friend and lamented that I wouldn't be seeing my running group until Thursday and wished it would be sooner.  I have some questions for them.  I want to feel their energy.  I want their encouragement.  I miss them.  Sooooo, when I started to read my friend's blog this morning  I saw my name there.  My name.  I had been tagged.  Like the game on the playground years ago getting tagged meant you were a part of the game.  You were liked.  You had friends.  Then it was your turn to run fast, chase them - big smile and squeals of joy when you finally managed to tap their arm and continue the game.  And so it goes - full circle - tagging each other.  

I will play the game.  I will find six words.  I couldn't decide whether to run today or not and once again I have been inspired by others.  I will think of my six words during my run.  Big smile and sounds of happiness.


Backofpack said...

I'm glad you'll play. We've missed you a lot lately - I thought how fun it would be to have you with us in Sisters. See you Thursday!

Journey to a Centum said...

OK Cat.... give it up, let's hear about Germany!