Monday, June 9, 2008

Rain's Back :-(

Woke up to the Pacific Northwest trio: grey, rain, cold. Yuck! It's really hard to get out of bed on days like today. I had insomnia for several hours last night so it was even harder than usual. I motivated myself with some coffee and got busy cleaning and such. My running partner called and we both agreed to reschedule our late morning run for mid-afternoon. Maybe the sun would pop out again.

Well, 3:30 rolled around and it looked the same as yesterday when we started - rain, grey, gloom - but today wind with some fairly impressive gusts was added to the mix. We started out on our 5-mile hill run none-the-less. We reached the halfway turnaround in very good time - evidently both of us just wanted to get it done. On the way down the second hill, the rain turned hard - it hurt. We both put our long-sleeved shirts back on. The wind picked up even more and the increasingly large balls of ice were being hurled at us. Great. We just put our heads down and ran for the next half mile until it turned back into benign rain. Another mile and we were home. Glad we went. Glad it's over. Hope it's better weather tomorrow.


Backofpack said...

Now, now. You have to change the way you look at it. Instead, think about how tough you are for going out in it, how strong your will is to get you out the door. It is an inspiring thing to keep moving forward against gray gloom, wind and rain!

Mama said...

I second what Michelle says. And I hope you slept better.