Thursday, October 16, 2008

Post-Race Thoughts....

I've run twice since the marathon on Sunday. I took Monday and Tuesday off, ran 4 miles on Wednesday, and 6 miles today. Both days I ran slow and easy. Nothing hurt and I felt strong, but tired towards the end. Sunday's race energized me. I really want that first number to be a "3" now. I want to work at this running thing until I achieve this goal. Just wanted to say, "yippee!!" one more time!

My Thoughts:

Power-Gel works for me. I alternated their coffee-flavored gels with s-caps approximately every 4 miles. No real G-I problems during or after the race. I did have lots of swelling during the last 5 miles. Even my timing band and iPod wrist strap got tight.

Take along the iPod if able. The music was very motivating.

Use the pace bunnies if possible - especially if they're cute.

The 10/1 strategy worked well.

Practice gelling and s-capping on the fly. (Carry water bottle?)

The post-race PowerBar recovery drink really hit the spot!

Do or do not, there is no try. Around mile 24, this phrase seemed to help motivate me.

Keep smiling!

1 comment:

Backofpack said...

Good list, good reflections. Hope it all works for you on the next one.