Monday, June 7, 2010

Sixty-Five-Year-Old Women!

Interesting thing about this relay.... before we started I met the only person on the team who I didn't already know - Wayne, Marco's boss. Well, Wayne and I seemed to hit it off immediately and when he heard I had run both Boston and New York he kept asking me questions about those races. When I was telling him about Boston and how, because I was coming back from injury I wasn't running at my BQ pace but was back with the 65 year-old women and 70-year-old men, he laughed. But then I kept going on about those da**ed 65-year-old women. They are amazing! They are fast and steady. There is always one in front of me during races who I think I'll over-take and then never do. Or, they breeze by me at mile 20. Dang them!! I also told him that I finally figured it out though. When I ran past the spot at mile 2 where the Boston Race director tried to remove Kathrine Switzer from the course in 1967 it dawned on me who these incredible 65-year-old women were. They were the Kathrine Switzers of their time. They were the ones who were running and racing despite people telling them they couldn't or shouldn't or mustn't. They were told they were too fragile, that those distances were for men, and that their uteruses would fall out. Really! These women were the ones who said too bad I'm doing it anyway. They were strong both physically and mentally. They knew they could, and they did!! I remember watching in 1984 when Joan Benoit won the first ever women's Olympic Marathon!! I was inspired! But I never, ever dreamed that one day, I too would run a marathon and join that group of women - not in speed, but in determination and perserverance.

Soooo, back to the relay. My first leg was paved, fairly flat with an over-all downhill grade, and sunny. I took off fast and held a sub-8 pace for the first mile. I felt good. There were two youngish girls in front of me who I thought I might be able to catch. Then, I heard someone behind me - gaining on me - figured it was some guy. No, it was a woman. She passed me easily and then I could see her grey bob hairdo and easy glide. She was 65 years old I'd bet! She had shifted into 6th and was just breezing past me. She passed the two young women with ease. Dang her! She was the only person to pass me.

When I came to the checkpoint and handed off our 'rock' to Elizabeth for the next leg, Wayne was the first of our group to walk up to me to say good job and such. After I caught my breath I told him that only one person passed me..... a 65-year-old woman!! We both laughed and shook our heads.

Here's to the 65-year-old women who opened the doors for women like me!! I'll just smile now when they breeze by me in races - but in my heart I'll be thanking them and hoping that one day I will find my 6th gear too. Maybe when I'm 65.

R2R 2010

After what seemed like nine months of constant rain, I woke up Saturday to silence. No rain on the roof. That was a good sign. By the time I had finished getting ready for the day, it was beginning to get light out. Not the grey dimness that we had become accustomed to, but a real brightness. It was clear skies out there. As I stopped at the light to turn onto the main street, Mount Rainier was showing off. She was perfectly silhouetted by the sun and surrounded by a vivid blue sky. One of her flanks was that bright pink that is only seen during perfect sunrises and sunsets. What a good sign that this was going to be a great day.

I was to pick up Dan at 5:30 and I arrived at 5:20. After a few last items were throw into his bags, we were off and headed toward the mountain. We had to stop at South Prairie for the pre-race checkin and instructions (they weren't sure until that morning whether they'd have to re-route the second leg because all this rain has greatly raised the level of the creek there). After that Dan and I headed to the start - past Carbanado. His race was to start at 7:30 so we had plenty of time. Temperature at the start was 38. Right before the race started he began to verbalize having seconds thoughts about his ability to run this thing. I did my best to convince him that he was ready, and that it was just a mind game at that point. Reminded him that the weather was perfect, and we had been escorted by a Bald Eagle for a portion of our drive out. Both good signs. We went over his bag drop preps and the fact that there were other runners out there who would be going his pace. Got him out there and took a few "before" pictures. The mood of the runners was good! They toed the line, the bell rang, and they were off.

My relay team showed up soon after the 50-milers started and our race started about an hour later. I was 5th leg so I had plenty of time. By the time my leg came around I had changed into shorts and the unshaded parts of my run were going to be hot. Nice!! Before my leg started though, I was able to meet Dan as he came in to the checkpoint at South Prairie (where my leg was) and I changed his shoes, socks, and shirt and got him going again. My handoff was 15 minutes or so after he left. I kept an 8:32 pace for my 5.2 mile run. I wish I could have done better (it was downhill most of the way) but I ran as fast as I could. I passed Dan midway, which meant we handed off at the next checkpoint before he arrived. We would stay ahead of him from here on out. His wife and kids were at the checkpoint three miles farther down the trail so I didn't feel too bad missing him there.

My next leg, #11, was on the access road next to Levee Road - down by the river. It's a sand surface there but it was pretty packed down from the rain. The problem was going to be the mud puddles that went from one side of the 'road' to the other. It's like a wide ditch down there and there was no alternative but to head straight through the water. If I kept to the center, the water was only up to my lower calves, but if I veered off even a little, it was 6 inches deeper or so and came up to my knees. I couldn't see what the running surface was either because the water looked like chocolate milk. I never knew what the next footfall would bring. By midway through the second puddle (think lake) I decided to walk through instead of run. We were not going to win the relay and I wasn't going to twist an ankle to save a minute or two. This portion of my leg lasted for a mile. After I came out of the water zone, my shoes squeaked for a good mile or two. It became somewhat entertaining as the sound changed as the water worked its way out. This leg ended at the glass museum and George actually ran the last 2.5 miles or so with me as I wasn't totally sure I'd see the arrows for the turns through town (and he knows the course well). We averaged 9 minute miles over this portion. Not bad considering the stops (waits) for lights and such.

There were only 4 miles left in the race after my run, and I handed off to Elizabeth (the junior-high student who was the captain of our team) . She ran well and came in strong and we all joined her for the finish. Fun!! As soon as we could, we took off in one of the cars to take me back to run in with Dan. I had a clean pair of shoes and socks for him. I was worried about his feet being in those 'lakes' and staying wet for miles. Not a good thing after 30 miles of running. We found him after the water portion and they had guided them to Levee Road at that point so he missed running through the 'lakes' anyway. He declined the clean shoes - he was afraid his feet were swollen too much to get them on. He was tired but still had quite a bit of mojo left in him. I ran with him for 7 miles to the finish. He came in 11 hours, 31 minutes after he had started. He was wearing my Garmin and it showed 53.3 miles.

Sooo, my total for the day was 9 fast (for me) miles, 1 mile of slogging through water, and 7 miles of a slow run mixed with a walk break every now and again. Perfect day of running and being with friends. Loved every minute of it - including the water!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Several Perfect Runs...

I still feel that I am 'coming back' from my injury and have that at the top of my mind every time I run now. With that in mind I decided that I was going to stick to my plan and just run 10 miles last Sunday and not a half-marathon as I was tempted to do. I was able to join Dan Pf. at the Y Run Club's (of which I'm a dues-paying member) 50k/Marathon/Half-Marathon. He was going to hit the official start time of 7am, but since I only needed those 10 miles, I slept in a bit before heading to the park. I got there and ran a little, one-mile loop with Rick before joining Dan in his 3-mile loops. I told Dan I still planned on going slow and taking it easy - my goal being to increase my distance, not my pace - and he said that'd work perfect with what his goals were for the day; he was taking it easy and walking the hills. Perfect. Really. It was wonderful running slowly and walking the hills; laughing out loud when Dan pointed out the Campus Center Ctr. Building in the middle of the community college we were running; and then checking out the Douglas Fir straddling the decaying cedar stump. We talked about the name choices for the baby he and his wife are expecting, and then diverged on to the names of his daughters and my sons and how and why those were chosen. The run was about 3/4 shaded but the 1/4 that wasn't made it feel like a spring day. Before we knew it, our miles were completed and it was time to stop. Perfect.

On Monday, the teacher who usually runs with me on Tuesdays texted to see if I wanted to switch to Monday this week. No problem (despite the fact that Monday is usually my no-run day) - the weather forecast was calling for 60's and sunny for Monday, and much cooler and rainy on Tuesday. That was an easy switch to make. I would be working at a nearby school so I packed my running gear and went to work. After work we ran in the sun on our usual route - the one we haven't run since my injury. It felt good to be back in the swing of things and we both noticed that we picked up the pace considerably in the last mile - but neither of us mentioned it until the run was over. It just felt too perfect.

Tuesday brought the predicted rain and grey skies. Those are always the toughest days for me. None-the-less, when the phone rang after work and it was my neighborhood running partner checking to see what time I could come out, I said without hesitation, "give me 15 minutes". I was changed and out the door without stopping to think about sitting down and snuggling with a book. We ran our usual Flat-4 route and kept our chatter up-beat. It was a perfect rainy-day run!

I had an 8-mile run written on my planning log for Wednesday. My neighborhood partner went 6 with me and I just continued on and did the last two on my own. Without trying, I increased the pace by 30 seconds per mile, and finished feeling like I used to when I ran. Like I did just months ago. Hey, maybe things are falling into place. Felt perfect!

I usually run with the group on Thursdays. OK, usually I run with my neighborhood running partner - and then with my group later in the evening. I decided that it was time to take a break however, especially since I had run 5 days in a row and was supposed to be honoring my two days off a week. Instead of running with the group, I went to the track and threw the ball for Juno, then Rick walked with us around the track several times. That too felt perfect.

Friday I ended up cleaning the house and doing some things for my sons. I was going to try to run a few miles but then decided that since it was my usual day off, and I was running short on time anyway, I'd just go with it and not run two days in a row. Felt like cheating!

That brings me to today. I had posted earlier in the week that I was looking for someone to run 12 miles with me and Ray responded. He wanted to run the Orting Trail and while that would mean that I'd miss coffee with the group, I was looking forward to the trail. I really love that trail. It's an old railroad bed so there are no hills to speak of on it. It has a very gentle, uphill grade going East out of town (which is the way we go to start) - which of course means that once you turn, you get to enjoy a gentle, downhill grade for the return. The path is rural and goes past several farms, through many wooded areas, and along the river. Like I said, I love it. We decided to start at 8am (I like to start when it's light out) and it was already sunny but the mist was rising all around us creating a dream-like setting. There is a farm with cattle in the field in the first mile and I looked at one of the cows and noticed she was about to give birth. I pointed this out to Ray and said we'd have to be sure to check for the newborn on our return. We continued on at a comfortable pace, chatting easily as we went. The buffalo and emu were out as usual at mile two, and the river was rushing by beyond that. The sun was glistening through the trees and it was fun checking out the different varieties of mosses covering the trees as we ran by; and listening to the birds singing as if it were already spring. I pointed out common mergansers, bald pates, and a kestral to Ray. Nice birds to see. In what seemed like no time at all we hit the 6-mile point and turned. It's hard not to smile when you turn on that trail. All of a sudden you realize that you've been running uphill, and it makes you feel full of new-found energy. The miles clicked by and we neared the original cattle pasture. Sure enough, there was the newborn bull calf, licked clean, a light, reddish brown, standing at his mother's side, both of them looking right at us as if to say, " hello, what a beautiful day". And it was a beautiful, magical, newborn-feeling day!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Swam Alone!

As part of my injury-recovery program, I've joined the local Y and have been meeting with friends at 0 dark 30, two days a week, for swim sessions. Right before I left for our session this morning, one of said friends caught me on Facebook to say that he was not feeling great and was going to have to cancel. No matter, I still had another friend who would be there waiting for me. I was running late so I was surprised when I got to the water's edge and didn't see my friend. No matter, I'd get started on my own. I swam a few laps, took a little breather, then swam some more. I took few breaks, concentrating instead on my breathing, and extending my stroke, and gliding, and counting, and somewhere in there I got lost in the movement of it all and felt like I do on a long run where the body is moving but my mind is in a sort of dream state. Wow - I thought that'd only ever happen on a run. Nice! I didn't even think about my friends not being there, so lost was I in the moment. Hmmmmm. I like this swimming thing.

Coming Back is Tough!

It was just a short little run - drop off the DVD at Hollywood Video around the corner, continue on around the block, go to the end of the cul-de-sac to make it four miles of relatively flat pavement. My running partner went with me and we took off joyfully talking and catching up on each other's lives. Then, around 2.5 miles I got tired - really tired. Needed to walk a bit. It never got easier after that and my wonderful partner proceeded to turn our conversation into a monologue - to keep my mind off the fact that I really, really felt like stopping. Wouldn't have finished four miles without her! Thanks Barb!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Almost a Year....

It's been almost a year since my last post. Well, soon after that post I ran Valentine's Marathon with Abi. We took it slow and easy - almost too slow and easy. Finally had to put a stop to the stopping in the last few miles. It was fun talking and enjoying the morning, but the best part of the race was after it was over. Abi and I walked a short distance to the lake at the park, stripped down at a picnic table, then walked into the nearly-frozen lake and stayed until we were almost too numb to get back out. Laughed about how they were going to find us - two half-naked women, smelly from the waist up, and frozen from the waist down - drowned because they were too numb (read: dumb) to get back out! Fun!

My primary goal in 2009 was to break the 4-hour marathon barrier and thereby BQ! Well, I decided that a wonderful attempt would be a marathon on my birthday - Napa Valley Marathon, March 1. I convinced Carlsson that he should run that one with me as his birthday present to me. He took me up on it. We flew Elliot up from UCLA and he and Larry crewed for the two of us. The course is billed as flat - but Lesa O. had warned me that she found it to be rather hilly - especially in the beginning. Always listen to Lesa! She was right - it was not only hilly, but the road was quite canted which made running difficult. Not only that, there was a steady downpour throughout the race. None-the-less we had a nice, happy run for about 20 miles. Then it got tough. I was getting increasingly tired and the 4-hour mark was becoming more and more elusive. However, I did know that this race was a qualifier for the 2010 Boston - at which time I would be 50 years old (this being my 49th birthday after all) - which meant my qualifying time was actually 4:05. With two miles to go, and my energy flagging, Carlsson took the lead and started singing to me. That was just what I needed to keep me going. We came in at 4:03:28!! :))

April brought the Yakima River Canyon Marathon. I was totally unprepared for the beauty of this course. Wow! Started out with Jill Hudson - both of us wondering how it would go for us - and we ended up sticking together for the entire race - urging each other on! We came in at 4:08 - with a PR for Jill!! Very fun!

May brought the Tacoma City Marathon. I planned on running between 4:15 and 4:30. Found out that Eric volunteered to be the 4:15 pacer so I thought I'd try to stick with him as long as I could and if/when I fell back I asked Marco and Tom (who planned on a 4:30) to scoop me up and 'carry' me along with them. Well, Marco, Tom, and I started together slightly in front of Eric and his following. We kept thinking we'd hear him on our heels at any time, but never did see him. Marco, Tom, and I joked around the entire race. It felt great! We were all very pleased with our 4:10 finish! I didn't stay long afterwards - but later found out I had placed in my division - 3rd woman in the 30-34 year old category. Not sure how they decided I was 34 but I let them know their mistake and declined the plaque.

In early June I was feeling good and Larry had to work the first weekend of the month, so I decided at the last minute to run North Olympic Discovery Marathon. I emailed some friends of ours (actually, the parents of friends of ours) on Thursday evening to see if I could spend Friday night at their place. They'd love to have me was the response. Sooooo, on Friday I drove to Sequim, signed up for the race, then drove to their house for dinner. On Saturday morning my friends drove me to the start and made plans to 'see' me at mile 16. It was a beautiful day for a race and I met Lesa and Dove at the start. I stuck with Lesa and a few other Maniacs for a few miles but then pulled back. Seemed that this was not going to be my race and I never did find my mojo. Thank goodness for a fellow Maniac (can't remember his name right now) who kept me going the last 6 miles. He was an angel! Disappointed with my 4:21 finish. Days later I found out I had placed 3rd in my age group - this time the correct age group. Made me laugh - all I had managed to do was outrun the women my age who had run a marathon the day before! I felt this was a make-up plaque for Tacoma!

Late June brought the 1st Seattle Rock 'n Roll Marathon. Huge event. Tons of Maniacs. Hung out with 'the group' pre-race but started alone. Nice race, nice day, but again, couldn't get it going. Finished with a 4:24.

July's race was the San Francisco Marathon. Loved being in San Francisco for this race but it was a cold summer day. The start was staggered and I couldn't find any of the runners I was looking for. The bridge was socked in so there was no view. The hills were all in the first half, and the second half had a lot of downhill. Beautiful course - the half marathon runners merged in and out - there being two half marathon races - and that seemed to keep me preoccupied at times. I was glad to see the finish line and felt frustrated again. Wondered if maybe I needed to try something other than marathon-running. Hmmm. Finished in 4:20.

A week after the San Francisco Marathon I decided to run the Tacoma Half Marathon. I wanted to run a race across a suspension bridge where I could see the view. For whatever reason, I ran as Elaine - she had already paid and was not going to be able to use her number. Rick was running as Mike and Patch was running as Monica so it seemed like a fun thing to do. Rick and I drove together and had fun talking and joking along the way. At the start I found Dove and she and I ran together chatting for the first 9 miles or so, then she took off. I was feeling a bit tired so I held back. Ended up with a 2:05 I believe. Felt strange when they announced Elaine's name as I crossed the line. Oh, nearly forgot - this bridge was also socked in with fog. Two races over two major suspension bridges in two weeks - both too fogged in to see anything. Drats. I did enjoy this race. I'd like to do it again - under my name - and improve my time.

No marathon in August (just the above-mentioned half) and in September I took a two+ week break from running while we visited Greece. Didn't even pack running gear! Returned from our trip the day before the Grande Ass Marathon and I ran it with Abi. Torrential rain erased the markings the last half of the course and we got lost twice. We ended up with a slightly altered course than the one designated, but RD Eric still OK'd it for us. Got home just in time to prepare for the post-marathon party at my house.

By October I was beginning to truly doubt my ability to run a marathon in the 4:15 range so I was nervous going in to the Victoria Marathon where I'd be running 'with' some nurses who Larry knew from the hospital. We met on the ferry ride over and they seemed very nice. Both had run two previous marathons in the 4:15/4:30 range. Good - we should be able to at least start together and see what happens. This ended up being just the medicine I needed. We started together, joked and listened to music and encouraged one-another for 18 miles. Then one felt strong and took off - I followed for a mile or two, losing the other in the process- and we ended up finishing with several minutes between the three of us. I came in at 4:10 (a few seconds faster than the time I had made in 2008). I was thrilled!!

November brought New York City Marathon. I decided there was no use trying to set a time-goal in a race this big (37,000 marathoners - no halfsies here!) and anything under 4:30 would be acceptable. If I could pull off a 4:15 I would be very happy, but my main objective was to run and enjoy the scenery and spectators. Well, this race ended up being amazing in every respect and I'll write a separate piece on it later, but suffice it to say I came in at 4:06:34!! That was 35 seconds away from another BQ!! Thrilled!

A few weeks later, and again at the last minute, I decided to run the Ghost of Seattle Marathon- but it was filled. I decided to email the RD, Scott Krell to see if there was a wait list and he said to just come and pay day of. Wow! Well, two days before the race, I injured my groin. That week I had run the pipeline with Lesa, then did speedwork with Lesa, then did a trail run near Emerald Ridge High School with Lesa and Abi, and by the time we finished that last trail run, I was limping. The next few days, despite icing and no running, I was still unable to put weight on my left leg. I had to email Scott and tell him I wouldn't be running, but I would be able to volunteer. I ended up cooking hotdogs for five hours for the runners. It was a lot of fun, but I certainly would have preferred running - especially since Scott had secured medals for the first time ever, to give away to the finishers. Drats!! It's OK, I still planned on running Pigtails 50K in a few weeks and by not-running this one, I would be more than ready for her race.

Well, in the end, I did not run Pigtails. Nor did I run First Call 50k on January 1st. I would not run for six weeks after having both an x-ray and an MRI which indicated damage that needed time to heal. My last run in 2009 was December 3 and my first run of 2010 was January 11. And thus begins this new chapter.....