Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Swam Alone!

As part of my injury-recovery program, I've joined the local Y and have been meeting with friends at 0 dark 30, two days a week, for swim sessions. Right before I left for our session this morning, one of said friends caught me on Facebook to say that he was not feeling great and was going to have to cancel. No matter, I still had another friend who would be there waiting for me. I was running late so I was surprised when I got to the water's edge and didn't see my friend. No matter, I'd get started on my own. I swam a few laps, took a little breather, then swam some more. I took few breaks, concentrating instead on my breathing, and extending my stroke, and gliding, and counting, and somewhere in there I got lost in the movement of it all and felt like I do on a long run where the body is moving but my mind is in a sort of dream state. Wow - I thought that'd only ever happen on a run. Nice! I didn't even think about my friends not being there, so lost was I in the moment. Hmmmmm. I like this swimming thing.

1 comment:

jessica said...

do you like biking too? maybe a triathlete is being born!
glad to see you're back to blog land, it is a great place to get it all out!

see you on the trails soon!