Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dreadmill Day

I got called in to work today which sort of wrecked my planned 9 mile run.  I would now have to race down Meridian (the local version of a linear parking lot) right after work to get my allergy shot before the doctor's office closed.  That would bring me home just in time for sunset and falling temperatures.  I don't mind running in the dark, but the dark with icy patches is just not my cup of tea.  The alternative - a treadmill.  Mine is in my garage - on the carpeted part - with a TV, DVD player and cable hook-up.  Sounds not-so-bad, perhaps even inviting.  I wish I could convince myself.  I really hate the treadmill.  It is dreadful.  I turn on a favorite show, crank up the sound, have my iPod on to blare my favorite music when the show gets boring.  Nothing seems to work.  I end up playing mind games with the numbers on the mileage/calories burned/elapsed time display.  Booooooring!  I consider myself a 'real' runner every time I complete a treadmill workout.  Only a 'real' runner would do that.  Dreadmills - the last choice for a 'real' runner...


Backofpack said...

Rick and I ran in the dark with more than icy patches - more like 75% ice. If he hadn't been there, I'da gone home!

I hate the treadmill. Faced with a choice, I skip my run. Fortunately, I'm seldom faced with that choice!

wendy said...

hey there!

I didn't know you started a blog! look at you, posting like a regular now!

I hear ya on the dreadmill. I'm too wimpy to attempt running on ice, and waaay too uncoordinated to attempt running while catching snowflakes! Sooo, the treadmill is it for me these last few weeks. it always seems to take forever on those days though!